Our Plymouth Young Safeguarders have been busy reminding professionals of their Ten Wishes and what they need from all of us to help keep them safe and feel valued.
They want us to know that the Ten Wishes are just as relevant as they were when they developed them in 2014 but felt they didn’t seem to be consistently followed across all workers and agencies.
The young people said;
‘The overwhelming feeling amongst young people is that the Ten Wishes are even more relevant now than before COVID19 became a part of our lives. We want to ensure that the Ten Wishes stay relevant during the ‘new normal’ and are not increasingly or gradually side lined or even forgotten by their lack of specific reference to COVID19 and how it has effected professional practice.’
So they’ve produced a booklet called ‘The Why and How’ which sets out why the wishes are important to children and young people and how we can all as individual professionals and organisations put their wishes into practice.
Please take a look at the booklet and see how you can start making a difference and act on the wishes of our children and young people…it’s really important to them.
- Working With Children
- The Young Safeguarder’s & Practical Resources
- ICON & Safer Sleep
- PSCP Guidance, Toolkits & Strategies
- Referring to Childrens Services and Managing Allegations
- Early Help & Adolescent Safety Framework
- Building Support
- Case Resolution
- Useful Links
- Graded Care Profile 2: Measuring Care, Helping Families
- The Partnership
- Training & Development
- Working With Children
- The Young Safeguarder’s & Practical Resources
- ICON & Safer Sleep
- PSCP Guidance, Toolkits & Strategies
- Referring to Childrens Services and Managing Allegations
- Early Help & Adolescent Safety Framework
- Building Support
- Case Resolution
- Useful Links
- Graded Care Profile 2: Measuring Care, Helping Families
- The Partnership
- Training & Development