ICON : Babies Cry, You Can Cope!

Plymouth Safeguarding Children Partnership support and are members ofthe  ICON: Babies Cry, You Can Cope! programme which helps parents and carers cope with a crying baby.

Looking after a baby is a very special and wonderful time. We also know it can be a very stressful time and trying to calm a crying baby is something all parents and carers experience. Sometimes as a parent or carer it can feel as if you’re ‘on the edge’ coping with a crying baby. In some cases this has led to a baby being shaken, hit or thrown as a means of stopping it from crying. This can lead to life threatening or fatal injuries.

So, knowing how to cope with a crying baby and that it’s OK to ask for help is a message we want to share with all parents and carers. This includes anyone who may look after your baby.

ICON: Babies Cry, You Can Cope! has the following key messages:


Infant crying is normal and it will stop! Babies start to cry more frequently from around two months of age. 


Comfort methods can sometimes soothe the baby and the crying will stop. Is the baby hungry, tired or in need of a nappy change?


It’s OK to walk away if you have checked the baby is safe and the crying is getting to you. After a few minutes when you are feeling calm, go back and check the baby. 


Never, ever shake or hurt a baby. It can cause lasting damage or death.

ICON E-Learning for the Multi-Agency Workforce 

There is an ICON E-Learning course for the multi-agency workforce to help practitioners understand the ICON message and how to share it with families. The course is free to complete and you can find all of the details by clicking on the link below:

As part the ICON programme we are also promoting the DadPad. This is an essential guide for dads in caring for babies and very young children. It is a free app and includes a section on copying with crying so please help us support and share with dads and male carers the ICON message.
Below you’ll find links to a range of resources for parents, carers and professionals, including a Dad Pad poster with a QR code to download the app.

ICON Films

These 5 films talk about…

1. Being a parent is great
2. The ICON message
3. How to comfort your baby
4. The crying curve
5. Parent relaxation techniques

To access the films please click below

ICON Films
ICON Posters

Please download these posters and display them in your organisation to help

1. ICON Message poster
2. ICON Plymouth Poster
3. Dadpad Poster

To access the posters please click below

ICON Poster
ICON Materials

These materials provide further helpful advice on copying with crying and how to manage.

1. ICON Leaflet
2. Coping with crying plan
3. ICON sticker template
4. Fridge magnet design
5. To access the materials

To access these materials please click below

ICON Materials

Remember, it’s always OK to ask for help. You can speak to your:
– Friends and family
– Health visitor
– GP
– Midwife
– Local Family Hub

You can also get help from the following:



ICON’s national campaign website for more infirmation

CRY-SIS Helpline

08451 228 669 (Lines are open 7 days a week 9am-10pm)


0808 800 5000

or online at