ICON stands for:
I Infant crying is normal and it will stop! Babies start to cry more frequently from around two weeks of age.
C Comfort methods can sometimes soothe the baby and the crying will stop. Is the baby hungry, tired or in need of a nappy change?
O It’s OK to walk away if you have checked the baby is safe and the crying is getting to you. After a few minutes when you are feeling calm, go back and check the baby.
N Never, ever shake or hurt a baby. It can cause lasting brain damage or death.
E-Learning Course to be Completed at a Time Convenient for You
Course Description
Plymouth has adopted the ICON programme to help families cope with a crying baby and prevent abusive head trauma.
Sometimes parents or carers can feel as if they are ‘on the edge’ coping with a crying baby. In some cases this has led to a baby being shaken, hit or thrown as a means of stopping it from crying. This can lead to life threatening or fatal injuries.
So, knowing how to cope with a crying baby and that it’s OK to ask for help is a message we want to share with all parents, carers and anyone that looks after babies.
This e-learning course will help you understand the ICON message and the research and evidence behind the initiative. The course will explore abusive head trauma in babies and how you can help share the ICON key messages in your role.
How Much?
The ICON E-learning is free for everyone.
Who’s the course for?
The course is for anyone who supports children, families and adults as part of their role. This includes, midwives, health visitors, social workers, family support workers, family hub staff, police, childcare settings, probabtion staff, housing providers, education support staff, teachers, youth workers etc.
Even if your job means you don’t focus on babies this course is still valuable as a new baby may come into a family you’re suporting, you may be working with an adult caring for or helping to care for a baby, has started a new relationship with someone who has a baby etc.
It’s also important that this ICON prevention message is shared with male carers as around 70% of babies who are shaken are shaken by men.
How do I Access the Course?
Please click on the link below to access the e-learning. You will be asked to create a username and password for yourself and then you will be taken to the course. Once completed the site will automatically generate a certificate for you.
Click HERE to access the e-learning.