Understanding Child Protection Course: Pre Course Preparation

Below is the list of pre course information you’ll need to review before you attend. If you have any issues with accessing the materials. please email us on: safeguardingtraining@plymouth.gov.uk

Serious Case Review Learning

On the course we will be exploring the learning from a published Plymouth serious case review. Below is the case summary and chronology taken from the full serious case review report for Baby F. Please could you read this prior to the course and consider the learning points as you identify and how this learning may influence your future practice.

We’re mindful that when reading through the case summaries and chronologies the content can be quite powerful. The practice review relates to the physical abuse of a baby and so may evoke a range of emotions or responses. Perhaps think about when is a good time for you to read the case to allow enough space for reflection or support and if needed the time to move into your next commitment.

If you would like to speak to someone prior to the course about the case then please feel free to contact Caroline Wilson, Lead Officer for Learning & Development with the Plymouth Safeguarding Children Partnership at caroline.wilson@plymouth.gov.uk or 01752 305917.

Baby F Case Study

Types & Signs & Symptoms of Abuse

We will also be exploring the types and signs and symptoms of abuse so please follow the link below which will take you to a helpful NSPCC guide on this topic. Once on the page please click into each tab to read and familiarise yourself with the detail on each type of abuse and the relevant signs and symptoms.

NSPCC – What is Child Abuse (The Types of Abuse)

Supporting Children, Young People & Families

On the course we will be exploring how we support families in Plymouth and the processes and procedures that guide this. Please read the below documents prior to attending: These documents set out the core processes and procedures that underpin the multi agency response to families and guidance on information sharing. They are :

PSCP Building Support – Ensuring the Right Support At The Right Time For Children, Young People and Families
Information Sharing: Advice for Practitioners 2024

Extra Familiar/Contextual Safeguarding

Safeguarding young people is a crucial and developing area of child protection practice and so we ask that you watch the Contextual Safeguarding Network’s film called ‘What is Contextual Safeguarding.’ The link below will take you to the film which is the first one as you scroll down the page on the left hand side.

What is Contextual Safeguarding?

Contacting The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub

We will be going through the process for sharing concerns with the local authority children’s services department. Please read through the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub Contact Form prior to attending. 

MASH Contact Form