How Children Show us Their Lived Experience
Concerns for neglect are often escalated because of a physical injury which then leads professionals to consider the wider family circumstances and take on board the sometimes chronic neglect that has developed overtime. But children are showing us all the time the signs, indicators and impact of neglect. This may be in a variety of ways and be different and unique for each child dependening on their age, the severity, frequency and duration of the harm, their resilience and the availability of
alternative sources of care and support.
With this in mind we need to understand and notice those signs and symptoms. Below are the main ways in which children show us what life is like for them related to age group and the different types of neglect. This isn’t an exhaustive list but provides a breakdown to aid our knowledge and practice.
The Importance of Brain Development
Understanding how the quality of care a child receives influences childhood brain development is core to our practice knowledge. This film, developed by the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative in partnership with the NSPCC, explores how brain architecture is built, the impact of abuse and neglect and how we can support children and families.