
Good and fulfilling relationships can greatly benefit our mental health and emotional wellbeing, especially for adolescents.

Similarly, problems or changes in our relationships can have negative effects.

Healthy Relationships

There’s no set time to be in a relationship, but if you do feel ready start one, it’s important to think about how you feel. Relationships can bring out the best in us, make us feel happy and naturally make us want to spend more time with the other person.

But sometimes it can be confusing and difficult to assess whether you’re in a healthy relationship, or to know when things aren’t quite right. Feeling emotionally and physically safe is an essential foundation for any intimate relationship. A safe relationship should be supportive and accepting, and you should be able to share your feelings without fear.


The Teenage Helpline

Healthy Relationships.

British Psychological Society

Teenagers in love.


Confidential Sexual Health and Relationships Advice