
Neglect is the most common form of abuse children experience and is the biggest reason children are supported by statutory services. 

10% of children in the UK experience neglect.

Neglect featured in
53% of serious incidents  
where a child died or 
was seriously

52% of child protection
plans in Plymouth are
made because of
concerns about

A child contacts the NSPCC Childline service every 45 seconds with family relationships being one of the top 5 reasons why children reach out for help. 

 59,282 adults contacted the NSPCC concerned about a child’s welfare. Neglect was one of the top 4 most common concerns reported. 

The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel’s 2022/23 Annual Report highlights that neglect featured in 53% of serious incidents.

It’s important to also understand that neglect can be so extreme that it can be fatal. The above report noted that 8 children died because of
extreme neglect, 5 of whom were known to statutory children’s social care either at the time of death or previously. 

As of 30th November 2024 there were 303 children on a child protection plan in Plymouth. 52% of these plans were made because of concerns about neglect.

In addition to this, statutory social work teams were also supporting a further 789 children either for assessment or on a child in need plan. Neglect is also a significant feature for these children.