We are planning to deliver the Early Help Assessments course in 2024 – 2025. It is currently being worked on internally with the trainers. Please check in regularly on this page for updates.
Introduction to Early Help Assessments: Online Webinar 2 ½ Hours
Course Description
We know providing help to families at the earliest point possible helps children and young people achieve their potential and avoids problems from escalating. The course provides an introduction to Early Help Assessments and how they are used to support children, young people and whole families. Participants will explore:
- The Early Help Assessment Tool (EHAT) and the values and principles underpinning its use.
- The EHAT processes and role of professionals, including being the Lead Professional.
- How to make best use of the on-line Early Help portal.
How much?
This course is free to all professionals.
How can I book a space and what are the dates and times?
You can book a space using our Microsoft Form online application below.