Bullying is a serious problem among children and adolescents and can happen to anyone. Often people feel powerless against bullying. However, as professionals, parents and/or carers, it’s possible to take action against bullying to create safer environments for your child.
The following resources provide information on what bullying is, the different types of bullying and how to recognise it. It will also include top tips and signposting to information.
Bullying is behaviour by an individual or group, often repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally.
Anti-Bullying Alliance
has interactive tools for parents and carers Click here. They also provide case studies and further advice Click here, and, what to do if you need to raise bullying concerns further Click here.
Family Lives
provides advice to parents and carers relating to a range of different bullying matters, as well as the opportunity to contact them and speak to a member of the team for advice. Click here.
Bullying in Schools (Plymouth)
offers help and advice on what to do if a parent thinks their child is being bullied. Click here
Online Bullying
Internet abuse – using social networking sites to show pictures, embarrass others, set up groups and encourage others to take part in bullying online.
has some resources for adolescent children, providing information on how they can protect themselves and how parents and carers can support them online. Click here
Internet Matters
have produced a range of resources to support you and your child to remain safe when accessing information online. Click here