Who Are The Young Safeguarders?
The Young Safeguarders group are young people aged 13-19 who support the Plymouth Safeguarding Children Partnership to make sure that the voices of children and young people are heard. This includes making sure that the information they read and the policies and procedures that affect their lives are fair and make sense to young people.
What are their responsibilities?
To help with quality assurance work of The Partnership such as ‘learning walks’ and checking what they say in The Ten Wishes is carried out. This means making sure that the things they are looking at are done as well as they can be and that young people have a voice that is heard.
To review information given to The Partnership by Children’s Social Care, Education, Health and Police so that comments on what is going well and suggestions for improvement can be passed onto the Subgroups within The Partnership.
To raise both their concerns and the concerns of their peers in relation to safeguarding.