Below you’ll find a range of materials to help spread the ICON message and support parents and carers. There is :
- A leaflet for parents and carers – please hand these out/make them as widely available as possible
- A Personal Copying with Crying Plan – this can help parents or carers plan for how they will manage certain situations and who they can go to for help
- A fridge magnet design image – parents and carers have said they find having a fridge magnet with the ICON message on a helpful reminder that they can cope and things will be OK. You can download the image and use it to order your own fridge magnets to give out. If you’d like some help ordering please get in touch with us…we’re here to help.
- A sticker template : please print these off and put on any stationary/documents you might give to people e.g. child health record. If you have a paper diary maybe put one on the front to remind you to have a conversation with parents/carers about copying with crying or put one on your screen at work.
Your IT department could also use the ICON logo and message to upload a screen saver to all your computers…. we just ask that you don’t change the logo or message in anyway.
Remember it’s always OK to ask for help. You can speak to your:
- friends and family
- health visitor
- GP
- Midwife
- local children’s centre
You can also get help from the following:
- CRY-SIS National Help line – 08451 228 669 (Lines open 7 days a week 9am-10pm)
- NSPCC – Tel: 0808 800 5000 or Online:
- ICON – national campaign website:
To access the leaflet please click here ICON Leaflet
To access the Personal Plan click here ICON Coping with Crying Plan editable
To access the fridge magnet design click here ICON-Fridge-magnet design
To access the sticker template please click here ICON Sticker Template